Financial Literacy Investing

Why You Must Understand Asset Allocation Models For Your Portfolio

Asset allocation is perhaps the most important concept at play in the world of portfolio management today. Learn what asset allocation is, how it applies to your portfolio, and what the best asset allocation models in the world are today.

Asset allocation is at the centre of Modern Portfolio Theory, which is the concept that any portfolio of investments can be optimized to most efficiently balance the level of risk those investments carry.

The concept underpins everything from private investment portfolios to multi-billion dollar hedge funds in the stock market.

Since Nobel Prize-winning economist, Harry Markowitz, introduced his theory of asset allocation in 1952, the idea has become synonymous with diversification.

This post explains the ideas behind asset allocation and the common wisdom on diversification.

We’ll introduce you to the biggest asset allocation models you’re likely to encounter, the different types of assets available in the markets, and the benefits of having a well-diversified portfolio.

Plus, we’ll explain how our portfolio tracker’s reporting tools can help you analyze your diversification. 

One important thing to know about asset allocation is that the ideal blend of assets depends significantly upon your age.

Generally speaking (and nothing in this post constitutes personal financial or investment advice), younger investors with a higher risk tolerance, moving towards a less risky asset allocation more in favour of fixed income as they become older.

While asset allocation is all about balancing and mitigating risks to your capital, you should always do your own research and seek professional advice before risking your capital.

What Is Asset Allocation?

Asset allocation, in its simplest form, is the composition of an investment portfolio. Specifically, it’s the relative percentages of stocks, bonds (or other fixed income investments), cash, and other assets you choose to invest in over the long term.

Most professional investors and financial advisors agree that choosing your asset classes is probably the most important decision you’ll make on your wealth building journey.

Now, that doesn’t mean choosing which stocks to invest in. Rather, asset allocation refers to the asset groups.

Modern Portfolio Theory holds that an efficiently diversified portfolio comprises a particular balance of stocks, fixed income instruments and cash.

For example, say you have a third of your portfolio in stocks, a third in bonds and a third in cash.

Low interest rates might drive stocks higher, while cash probably won’t perform so well.

But were interest rates to rise, causing the stock market to panic and stock prices to fall, the cash would start generating a better return.

Applying the strategy of your choice determines the relative extent to which you expose your capital to stocks, fixed income and cash.

Of course, within these groups, there are still many decisions to be made.

A $300,000 portfolio with equal thirds in stocks, bonds and cash could take many forms. For example, the stocks could be blue-chip, large cap companies with a strong track record of paying dividends.

Or, they could be speculative smaller or mid-cap stocks that have a chance of delivering a substantial capital gain.

Stocks have a large spectrum of risk and reward which you’ll need to consider relative to your objectives and the overall allocation.

Asset allocation

Why Do I Need To Diversify?

The reason for diversifying can be explained using the eggs & baskets analogy.

If, for example, your portfolio consists of 100% banking stocks, all your eggs are in one basket.

If there’s a financial crisis or crash, the banking sector could get hit hard, meaning your entire portfolio gets hit hard. The basket falls and breaks all the eggs in it.

But if you own a mix of stocks, for example, some technology and pharmaceutical companies alongside your financial ones (and a variety of large cap, mid-cap and small cap companies), then you’re spreading your eggs out and exposing different percentages to different markets.

Diversification is all about spreading risk between investments so that you’re not over exposed. Your risk tolerance is a function of many things, including your time horizon.

Asset allocation and diversification aim for the same objective, but they operate on different levels. Whereas diversification often refers to the mix of stocks you own, asset allocation encompasses stocks and other investment classes (like bonds and cash).

It can also extend to property, cryptocurrencies, and pretty much any other asset which you’d count as part of your overall financial position.

There are two particular types of risk to every investment; systematic and unsystematic.

Systematic risk is a broad, market-wide economic risk (think the 2008 global financial crisis).

You generally can’t protect yourself against big events like this — no matter your risk tolerance.

Unsystematic risk is specific to a country, market or individual company — this is what diversification aims to mitigate. 

How Can I Diversify?

So you know you need to spread your eggs out into different baskets, and consider your time horizon and risk appetite.

That’s the most basic principle of diversification (the two terms are commonly used interchangeably. 

The second principle to understand is negative correlation. This is the idea that a properly diversified portfolio (or sensible asset allocation) will include investments that not only don’t react the same way to economic and market events… but that react the opposite way.

The example we gave earlier about interest rates impacting equities and cash savings in different ways is an example of low or negative correlation.

In other words, a well-diversified portfolio will be more resilient and stable than a poorly-diversified one. This is the theory.

Check out this example:

Asset allocation

You can see the portfolio comprises four assets: Stocks, bonds, real estate, cash.

So the allocation is 60% stocks, 27% bonds, 10% real estate and 3% cash.

Within the stock allocation especially, you can see diversification at play.

There’s large cap and small cap domestic stocks, which expose the portfolio to the lower and higher risk/reward ends of the local market, respectively.

There are international stocks, which expose it to companies and markets overseas. And there’s a small percentage of emerging market stocks, which expose it to the potentially large gains and losses in overseas economies which are developing and growing quickly (but tend to be volatile).

The bonds, too, are split between government and corporate issuers, providing a spread of risk among the fixed income allocation.

In this example, the investor may have individually chosen each investment. Or, for the stocks especially, they could have invested in ETFs that track the respective sectors.

Which Assets Should Be Included?

You can see in the graphic above that the example portfolio includes investments across four asset classes.

Generally speaking, today we tend to consider four main asset classes.

The Four Main Asset Classes

·  Asset Class 1 —  Cash: Money in the bank is generally a stable, secure form in which to keep some of your capital. It’s how most of us store our wealth by default.

The problem with cash is that interest rates tend not to beat the inflation rate — meaning your cash’s value will diminish over time.

·     Asset Class 2Bonds: A bond is a debt instrument. It provides a fixed income. You buy a bond from a government or business and they guarantee to pay you a fixed interest rate while you hold it. Interest rates on bonds tend to be better than what your cash will earn in the bank. 

·     Asset Class 3Stocks/Equities: Stocks essentially let you participate in a company’s activities. You own shares in a business. Those shares can rise, fall and pay income in the form of dividends.

Blue-chip companies pay good dividends and have a record of climbing steadily over the long term.

After mid-cap stocks, you have growth stocks, or small-cap companies, are smaller businesses on an upward trajectory. They are riskier but can deliver bigger, faster returns. Risker and more dynamic again are small-cap and penny stocks.

·     Asset Class 4Mutual Funds & ETFs: Mutual funds are investment funds where many investors pool their capital and allow a professional fund manager to control it. These funds do charge management fees, though, and require you to allow a third party to select the assets the fund invests in.

An ETF — or exchange traded fund — tracks an underlying index, like the ASX200, for example. Owning shares in an ETF exposes your capital to a specific mix of assets. Like stocks, ETFs vary greatly in risk depending on the sector or market they track.

Asset allocation

What Are The Benefits Of Diversification?

The main objective of diversification is to mitigate risk.

Because low or negative correlated assets (like stocks and bonds or other fixed income investments) should, in theory, balance each other out over time, a well-diversified portfolio should steer your capital towards multi-year and multi-decade profits.

Think of it like a correctly-balanced diet.

By eating the right foods from the right food groups, in the right amounts, you’re giving your body the fuel it needs to grow and recover.

If you don’t do this, and your diet is lacking in key nutrients, or excessive with the wrong foods, your body will decline — especially over the long term. 

Consider your time horizon in these terms too. An unhealthy lifestyle may carry more risk later in life than when you’re younger.

Common Asset Allocation Strategies

Strategic: This strategy relies on a ‘proportional combination’ of assets based on how much you expect each to return. You can set initial targets and rebalance from time to time.

Dynamic: This is a more active approach, in which you frequently adjust the mix of assets based on market shifts and price movement. The key to dynamic asset allocation is selling assets that decline and buying more of those that perform well.

Insured: A strategy for the more risk-averse. You start by selecting a value you won’t let your portfolio drop beneath. As long as the investments keep the portfolio above that base value, you actively adjust your allocation. And if it does drop below, you move your capital into safe fixed income assets or cash. You might find mutual funds suitable for this strategy.

Tactical: Tactical allocation is similar to strategic allocation except it allows for ‘tactical’ trades aimed at capitalizing on short-term opportunities within your broader, longer-term wealth building plan. For example, you might invest a small amount in the cryptocurrency markets to expose yourself to some of the big (but volatile) potential gains. Once you’ve made a gain, though, you quickly capture the profits and return them to your main allocations.

Looking for more strategies? Check out these stock trading strategies.

H2: Should You Use An Active Or Passive Management Strategy For Your Investments? 

How hands-on, or hands-off, should you be with your asset allocation and portfolio management? 

Like so many things in the world of wealth building, how active or passive you are with your portfolio comes down to you, your objectives, your risk tolerance, time horizon, and your other commitments.

The markets change every day. So no single strategy or approach is going to be the best one all the time.

A passive management strategy might take the form of a ‘set and forget’ portfolio. This would involve setting your asset allocation and diversification, spreading your starting capital between the stocks, bonds, cash and other assets, and leaving the portfolio with minimal management or adjustment.

One type of investment that might suit the more passive portfolio and risk-averse is an ETF, since these funds, like mutual funds are often weighted and diversified in terms of the investments they track.

 This hands-off approach — if the portfolio is correctly allocated and diversified — should perform solidly over the long term, even if there are times when it doesn’t perform so well due to not being altered to suit changing market conditions. 

An active management strategy is more like those listed above — the tactical approach especially. Active is hands on. You’re looking at your portfolio performance often, identifying opportunities to rebalance and re-diversify your portfolio.

Active portfolio management may mean you can expose your capital to better short-term growth opportunities, or protect it from short-term risks.

This style of portfolio management requires a lot more time and research than passive investing. It may also mean your portfolio performance suffers a greater impact from trading fees, since you might buy and sell more often.

Asset allocation

The Best Way To Monitor Your Portfolio Performance

Everybody’s allocation models and portfolio diversification strategies are unique to them. Your own objectives and risk tolerance will determine how you distribute your capital across your investments — and how active or passive you are in managing the portfolio.

Whether you’re a set and forget investor, or an active trader monitoring the markets every day, there’s one thing you must make sure you do.

Correctly and thoroughly track your portfolio performance using a dedicated portfolio tracker.

This is because true portfolio performance factors in more than just your nominal gains.

It accounts for how long you’ve held a position, trading fees, currency gain, taxation and dividend income.

The Navexa portfolio tracker does all this (plus, you can generate a variety of reports, from calculating unrealized capital gains to taxable income, portfolio contributions, and many more).

Navexa portfolio tracker

Key Navexa Tools

Portfolio Contributions Report: Instantly see which holdings in a portfolio are contributing the most to your overall performance — and which are dragging on your returns.

Portfolio Diversification Report: See the exact percentages of your portfolio diversification and asset allocation (each sector and each holding within that sector).

Dividend Contributions Report: Income is a huge part of your portfolio performance. Especially over the long term. Use our dividend contributions report to identify which of your holdings are generating the most and least income.

Use these reports today when you try the Navexa portfolio tracker for free!

Financial Technology Investing

Blockfolio vs. Delta vs. Coinbase: 3 Things You Should Know Before Signing Up

Buying, trading and tracking cryptocurrencies? Chances are you’ll come across Blockfolio, Delta and Coinbase. Here, we explain how to use each — comparing Blockfolio vs Delta, Blockfolio vs Coinbase, & Coinbase vs Delta.

If you’re taking the plunge into the world of cryptocurrency investing or trading, you’ll need three things.

  1. A place to buy crypto.
  2. A place to store crypto.
  3. A place to track your crypto portfolio.

As Bitcoin and the ever-expanding universe of so-called ‘alt coins’ gains more exposure and popularity, so too does the number of technologies, platforms and applications that support the crypto ecosystem.

And if you are new to the crypto world, you may find yourself overwhelmed at the amount of apps and services vying for your time and attention.

Chances are that you will quickly come across three of the biggest platforms in the crypto world: Blockfolio, Delta and Coinbase.

While Blockfolio and Delta are similar services (with some key differences you should know), Coinbase is a very different platform.

In this post, we’ll introduce you to each, outline its capabilities and the key pros and cons.

Then, we’ll compare the services directly; Blockfolio vs Delta, Blockfolio vs Coinbase and Coinbase vs Delta.

This should give you a great general overview of these three services.

If you’re considering signing up to some or all of them, we encourage you to read this post (and do further research) first!

Blockfolio vs Delta vs Coinbase: Understanding Trackers, Wallets & Exchanges

It’s important to understand that comparing these three platforms requires that you know their particular roles in the crypto world.

Blockfolio started out as a crypto portfolio tracker and has recently added the capability for its users to buy crypto assets within its app.

Delta is a portfolio tracker for cryptos and stocks. While you can’t buy Bitcoin in its app, there are other things you can do which make it potentially very useful.

Coinbase is different again.

As the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the United States (Binance is the world’s biggest at the time of writing), Coinbase’s main service is an app you can use to buy, store and trade Bitcoin and other crypto assets.

Confused? Don’t be.

Just understand this; in the crypto world, there are three distinct tools you need to use.

  1. The crypto exchange: This is where you exchange fiat currency (dollars) for crypto assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

  2. The crypto wallet: This is where you store and secure your crypto assets.

  3. The crypto portfolio tracker: This is where you monitor the performance of your crypto investments and track your portfolio’s progress.

Coinbase is primarily an exchange. But it also offers a wallet for secure storage — which you can even connect to a debit card!

Blockfolio — while originally just a crypto portfolio tracker — has now branched out to offer exchange functionality.

And Delta, another portfolio tracker, doesn’t allow you to buy crypto.

But, it does allow you to connect your crypto wallet so you can automatically update your portfolio tracker account.

So not only are there many different types of platforms you’ll engage with on your crypto journey.

There’s also an increasing amount of integration as companies like these move to offer exchange, wallet and tracking services within a single platform.

Let’s get into Blockfolio in a bit more detail.

Blockfolio: The Original Cryptocurrency Portfolio Tracker

Blockfolio has been around since 2014. It started at a standalone crypto portfolio tracker.

The idea was simple: No matter where you bought or stored your crypto, you could add your trade data to your Blockfolio app and monitor your performance in one place.

And that simple idea has taken Blockfolio a long way.

Today, about 6 million people are using Blockfolio to buy, trade and track their cryptos.

Here’s what it looks like:

The Blockfolio App

One of the features Blockfolio offers is Signal, which runs in parallel with the News tab.

While news delivers articles and updates from across the crypto space, Signal is a channel where crypto developers and companies communicate directly with Blockfolio users.

In our experience, Blockfolio is pretty robust (it has been known to crash occasionally and fail to display some data, particularly for smaller cryptos) and fine looking crypto portfolio tracker.

Since they were acquired by crypto exchange FTX, they’ve started offering exchange services within the app.

Delta: A Premium, Exchange-Connected Tracking App

Delta arrived on the scene a few years after Blockfolio, in 2017.

Like Blockfolio, Delta is primarily a crypto portfolio tracker.

You can view price action for about 7,000 different crypto assets, follow the coins you’re interested in, and synchronise your account across multiple devices.

The biggest benefit of using Delta to track your crypto portfolio is the probably the fact that you can link your crypto wallet.

That means you can integrate your crypto trades seamlesslesy.

Delta supports data from about 300 crypto exchanges.

Which means whether you trade with Binance, eToro, Bittrex or any of the other myriad platforms out there, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to sync your trades.

While it’s simple enough on Delta to manually enter a trade, it becomes far easier to use once you’ve integrated an exchange and automated your buy and sell updates.

You can see the Delta interface doesn’t differ much from Blockfolio’s:

The Delta App

You can also set up your Delta app to send you push notifications based on what you’re tracking and how you use your account.

For a portfolio tracker, Delta packs in plenty of functionality when it comes to seeing price action, all-time and 24-hour gains.

But, like Blockfolio, it lacks a couple of major features. We’ll get to that soon.

First, let’s look at Coinbase.

Coinbase: The Largest U.S. Cryptocurrency Exchange

Unlike Blockfolio and Delta, Coinbase didn’t start life as a portfolio tracker.

Coinbase began as a Bitcoin brokerage service in 2012.

It was a place for investors to convert fiat currency into BTC.

Today, Coinbase is the biggest U.S. crypto exchange and one of the most widely used on the planet.

It’s an exchange, a wallet, an index, a venture capital fund developing and acquiring other crypto projects, and a provider of custodian services for institutional investors moving large sums into the crypto space.

Not only that, but Coinbase has grown so powerful that it even created its own token, USD Coin.

USD Coin is a cryptocurrency that tracks the price of the US Dollar — the fiat currency which those in the crypto world (for all their talk of ‘exiting the system’) tend to use to measure the relative value of Bitcoin and the other cryptos on the market.

If you want, you can do all your crypto investing, trading and tracking with Coinbase, from buying Bitcoin to trading it for other cryptos (even holding in USDC if you want) and tracking the value of your investments.

But since Coinbase is an exchange first and foremost, it offers a very different experience from Blockfolio and Delta.

Blockfolio vs Delta: Portfolio Trackers With A Key Difference

As you can see, Blockfolio and Delta look very similar.


And as portfolio trackers, they pretty much are.

But if we’re comparing Blockfolio vs Delta, these are the most striking differences.

  1. Blockfolio (as of recently) allows you to trade directly within the app. Delta does not (yet).

  2. Delta allows you to link your exchange account, automating the flow of data on new trades. At the time of writing, you still need to manually add your trades to Blockfolio (although you can link some wallets).

  3. Delta allows you to track stocks as well as crypto. Blockfolio is a crypto-only app.

  4. Blockfolio’s Signal feature allows you to hear directly from the developers and technologists behind the cryptos you’re tracking. Delta doesn’t offer this.

  5. Delta lets you export a .csv file of all your crypto trades — handy if you want to back it up before resetting a phone, for example, or adding your trades to another platform (like Navexa).

  6. Blockfolio is totally free (they generate revenue through advertising and, now, trading services via their new owner, FTX), whereas Delta has a free and ‘PRO’ version.

Those are the main differences between Blockfolio and Delta.

For more about each platform, check out this Blockfolio review and this Delta review.

Blockfolio vs Coinbase: Both Trying To Become Crypto One-Stop Shops

So, now that you have an idea about how Blockfolio works, let’s compare it with Coinbase.

Blockfolio vs Coinbase isn’t a like-for-like comparison.

As mentioned above, Blockfolio started life as a portfolio tracker, and Coinbase as a Bitcoin brokerage.

Today, they’re getting closer to meeting in the middle.

Since FTX acquired it, Blockfolio now complements its coin and portfolio tracking functionality with trading services.

In other words, you can buy Bitcoin directly through the app.

For Coinbase, buying Bitcoin was the first service the platform ever provided.

Today, it offers a huge range of tools when you sign up.

One of the ways Coinbase has expanded is that it, too, offers a portfolio tracking service as well as its exchange and wallet service.

Take a look:


Like Blockfolio and Delta, Coinbase lets you track coins and trades in a simple, clean interface.

But in our opinion, the Coinbase portfolio tracker doesn’t offer as much information as Blockfolio.

Comparing Blockfolio vs Coinbase, these are the main differences.

  1. Coinbase doesn’t provide the same direct feed of developer news as you’ll get with Blockfolio’s Signal feature.

  2. If you’re already trading and storing crypto on Coinbase, you might find it more straightforward to track your cryptos there, instead of manually adding them into Blockfolio.

  3. Since Blockfolio is a tracker first and trading platform second, you might find its tracking interface and features more useful than Coinbase’s.

Coinbase vs Delta: To Trade Or Not To Trade

Since we’ve already covered the key differences between Blockfolio vs Coinbase and Blockfolio vs Delta, you can probably see how Coinbase stacks up against Delta.

These are the big differences.

  1. As an exchange and wallet, Coinbase lets you buy, trade and store crypto. While Delta lets you connect an exchange account (like Coinbase), you can’t trade and store cryptos on its — just track them.

  2. While both apps are established, robust players in the crypto technology market, they have very different interfaces — Delta’s being more optimized for a trading-style view.

No Matter Where You Invest, Here’s Why You Must Track Your Portfolio 

Comparing Blockfolio vs Delta vs Coinbase highlights a few things you should understand before you sign up to any, or all of these services.

First, trading, storing and tracking cryptos has tended to happen across multiple different services. These services often integrate with one another to some extent, and they increasingly offer users a full service platform (see Coinbase) from buying crypto all the way through to tracking its performance in your portfolio.

One thing we’ve noticed comparing these crypto platforms is that, while they all offer portfolio tracking, that functionality is in reality quite limited.

Here at Navexa, we take portfolio tracking — for stocks and cryptos — seriously.

We help you dive deeper into your portfolio performance beyond just daily or annual gains.

Navexa portfolio tracker
Navexa Portfolio Tracker

Navexa tracks the annualized, true performance of your portfolio and its constituent holdings with a high degree of clarity, depth and detail.

By ‘true’ performance, we mean your net gains (in dollar and percent terms) after the platform accounts for the time in the market, trading fees, currency gains or losses, taxation, and dividend income.

If you’re not familiar with the idea of true portfolio performance, check out this guide on the three mistakes you might be making when calculating your own.

In other words, a complete picture of your actual portfolio performance, as opposed to a partial one. 

Plus, you can generate a variety of reports, from calculating unrealized capital gains to taxable income, portfolio contributions, and many more. 

If you’re serious about understanding your portfolio performance, we recommend a more powerful, dedicated portfolio tracker.

Create a free account with Navexa.

Financial Technology

How To Easily Upload Your CoinSpot File Into Navexa

CoinSpot is a major Australian cryptocurrency exchange used by thousands across the country to buy and sell Bitcoin, Ether and alt-coins. Navexa supports file uploading for CoinSpot users, allowing you to easily add your cryptocurrency trades from your exchange account there to your portfolio tracking account with us.  

This year, the team here at Navexa has been working on making it easier for you to get started using your portfolio tracker account.

It’s true that Navexa provides a data-rich portfolio tracking experience, and that our platform offers a wealth of tools on top of a complex performance calculation methodology (helping you to understand your portfolio and individual holdings better, get a clearer picture of your capital gains and income tax obligations, clearly see your portfolio diversification, contributions and more).

But, it’s also true that it can take time and effort to get all your historical trade data into your account so that you can start benefitting from these tools.

This is why we’ve been hard at work on our Broker File Upload process.

These are customized importing processes we design for specific broker file formats.

To Date, We’ve Launched Support For Eight Australian Broker File Types

Those are; ANZ, CMC Markets, CommSec, NAB Trade, STAKE, SelfWealth, Superhero and Westpac.

Today, we’re pleased to announce that — in collaboration with our fantastic community, as always — we’ve added CoinSpot to that list.

CoinSpot is the first cryptocurrency exchange that Navexa supports for file upload.

How To Import Your CoinSpot
Trades Into Your Navexa Account

IMPORTANT: You do not need to share your CoinSpot login details with Navexa. All you’re sharing is a file that shows your trading activity and allows us to — 100% securely and confidentially — upload that information to your Navexa account.

Step 1: Log in to your CoinSpot account.

Step 2: Under ‘My Account’, select ‘Order History’.

Step 3: Click ‘Buys/Sells CSV’.

See below for steps 1 and 2.


Once you’ve downloaded it, click ‘Choose File’ to select it from your computer.

Then, just hit the ‘Upload File’ button.

Depending on the size of the CoinSpot file you’re uploading, it should only take a few minutes for Navexa to add the historical trade data to your account.

Please be aware larger files can take a little longer.

You’ll see an email notification when the upload is complete.

Then, you’ll be able to use your Navexa account to browse all your historical trades and holdings.

This is the fastest way to add historical trade data from your CommSec trading account to your Navexa account.

So there you have it.

It’s now easier than ever to add you historical crypto trades from your CoinSpot exchange account to your Navexa portfolio tracking account.

Once you’ve uploaded your file, you’ll be able to see full annualized performance for both your portfolio as a whole and every individual trade it it.

You can benchmark your performance, analyze custom date-ranges and access our suite of 10 advanced reporting tools to better understand and analyze your crypto portfolio with the same level of detail and insight you could expect for regular ASX, NYSE or NASDAQ investments.

Don’t have a Navexa portfolio tracker account yet? Register here!

Financial Literacy Investing

Common Stock vs Preferred Stock: Key Differences, Pros & Cons

Common stock versus preferred stock — not sure where to start? In this post, we explain these different types of stocks, what they mean for shareholders, and the key qualities of common stock as opposed to preferred stock, and vice versa.

Not all stocks are created equal. And we don’t just mean that some stocks perform better than other stocks.

Rather, there’s two distinct types trading on the open market: Common and preferred.

The first you’re probably already familiar with. The second, maybe not so much.

Common and preferred stock offer shareholders very different things — from their pricing and dividend payments, through to the privileges you’re entitled to as a shareholder of each.

Below, we explain common vs preferred stock, which is better, which is safer and more.

Common: The Stocks Most Shareholders Buy

If you’ve bought shares before, chances are you probably bought common stock. Most of the time, common stock is what we talk about investing in. Most of the world’s major markets consist of common stock, as opposed to preferred.

The definition of a stock is this: A security representing a share of ownership in a company.

When you own common shares, you own a percentage of the company or fund’s assets and profits. This is the idea upon which most stock trading rests — that buying shares in the right companies exposes your money to their success.

By owning common stock, shareholders are aiming for one — or both — of two things. First, they’re looking to increase the value of their shares via gains to the stock’s share price. If a stock rises 100%, for example, shareholders who bought before that gain could double their money.

Second, investors can benefit from holding common stock through dividends the company pays to its shareholders. In other words, you can get paid to own common stock shares — if the company’s board of directors chooses to pay a dividend.

Dividend income is one of the key differences between common vs preferred stock.

There’s another crucial benefit to owning common shares: Voting rights. As a shareholder in a company, you get voting rights on some of that company’s corporate decisions. Preferred shares do not confer the shareholder these same voting rights.

Preferred Shares: More Like Owning A Bond Than Shares

Preferred shares, while they might sound similar to common shares, are actually a very different form of investment.

They function more like a bond.

A bond is a fixed income instrument. When you buy a bond, you’re essentially making a loan to a government or company, who use them to raise money.

An investor buys a bond because it entitles them to receive a fixed income for an agreed period, at the end of which the issuer will buy it back.

Preferred shares functions in a similar way. You buy a ‘preferreds’ not to profit from a company’s rising share price (or have any voting rights as a shareholder), but to receive a fixed income for an agreed period. Some preferreds don’t ever expire — you can buy them, collect the income and never have to re-sell them to the issuer.

So, it’s a significantly different form of investment. Why do we refer to it as preferred? The answer relates to the income you collect. Preferred stockholders are entitled to collect any income the company decides to distribute before common stockholders.

When it comes to dividend distributions, there’s a hierarchy. Bonds are first in line to receive income, then preferred shareholders, then common shareholders. While owning common shares exposes you to a company’s capital gains, it doesn’t guarantee that you’ll receive a dividend — or that each dividend you receive will be the same amount.

Owning preferreds doesn’t expose you to the company’s capital gains, but it does ensure that you’ll receive a share of the profits as a dividend before common stockholders (but after bond holders).

And, you don’t receive voting rights. While owners of common stocks get voting rights in certain situations, preferred stocks do not offer this benefit.

Which Is Better, Common Or Preferred Shares?

Like many questions about investing, whether common or preferred is ‘better’ depends largely on the individual investor’s objectives and preferences.

Consider the key differences.

Common Stock vs Preferred Stock: Key Differences
  • Preferreds grant shareholders the right to receive dividend income from the company before common shareholders.

  • Common shares grant shareholders the right to vote on matters like who joins the board of directors, operational and structural changes and issues affecting the shareholders themselves like mergers, acquisitions and stock splits. Preferred shareholders do not gain any such voting privileges.

  • If a company is forced to close and liquidate its assets, preferred stockholders are entitled to payment before common stockholders.

So in assessing which is ‘better’, you should consider what your priorities and preferences dictate. If you’re looking to invest in a company you whose share price you think could rise 10-fold in the next five years, you might prefer to go for common shares, since this will allow you to capture your share of any capital gain.

But, if you’re looking to buy a stock and collect income from it over several decades, you might consider buying preferred stock (if, of course, the company offers preferred stock — many do not).

Common Stock vs Preferred Stock: Which Is Safer?

While preferred shares are similar in ways to a bond, they’re still shares. This means that its value — and the dividends it might generate — can fluctuate.

According to this professional advisor, ‘nothing is guaranteed with preferred stocks’. 

While you are entitled to receive dividends before common shareholders when you own preferreds, this doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to receive them.

It’s possible that a company will choose not to pay a dividend to common stockholders but still pay one to preferred stockholders. So in that sense, preferreds could give you a better chance of collecting income from your investment.

One thing to note is that some preferred stocks are classified ‘cumulative’ preferred. This means that if a company misses a dividend payment, it’s obliged to pay the arrears in the future — before paying dividends to common stockholders.

Preferred stocks, like common stocks, are liable to rise and fall. See the chart below showing a preferred stock ETF (in blue) relative to a common stocks fund over five years.

Common vs Preferred Stock

If the company goes out of business, preferred stockholders will receive payment before common stockholders, but after creditors and bond holders.

So by some measure, preferreds could be regarded as relatively more safe compared with common shares. But all investments, of course, carry risk. You should always do your own research and seek a professional opinion before risking your money. 

Why Would A Company Issue Preferred Stock Vs Common Stock?

Preferred stock offerings are relatively rare in the stock market. There’s two main types of organizations that tend to offer them; Financial companies like banks, and real estate investment trusts, or REITs.

Businesses liked these might choose to issue preferred stock because it counts not as a liability on their balance sheet, but equity instead. That lets the business raise funds without increasing its debt-to-equity ratio.

Preferred stock also grants less control of a company to outside investors — something a business may prefer than offering common stock.

What Is The Downside Of Preferred Stock?

If the benefits of owning preferred stock as a shareholder are better privileges when it comes to dividend income and payment in the event of bankruptcy or liquidation, then the downsides are these:

1.   You don’t get any say in corporate decisions like you could get by owning common stock. This means you’re more of a passenger on the company’s journey than an active shareholder who can influence its direction or strategy.

2.   You don’t get any exposure to the stock’s potential capital gains. If your own preferred stock in a bank that produces a 100% price gain, you won’t benefit as a preferred stockholder. Although, you may indirectly enjoy a share of those profits in the form of an increased dividend payment.

Common Stockholders vs Preferred Stockholders

The differences between common stock and preferred stock are simple.

Common stock — which accounts for the majority of stock available on the market — gives you the standard exposure and rights you’re probably used to as a shareholder. You can grow (or lose) your capital and collect dividend income by owning common stock.

Common stockholders are investors who have the right to profit from rising stock prices, collect income and have a say in corporate decisions. But, they are the last in line for dividends and bankruptcy payouts.

Preferred stock is far more rare than common stock. Only certain companies — generally financials and REITs — offer this bond-like type of stock.

Preferred stockholders don’t get exposure to capital appreciation. Rather, they are ahead of common stockholders in the income and bankruptcy payout hierachy.

Earning Dividends From Common Stock Or Preferred Stock? You Must Do This.

Now you know the main differences between common stock and preferred stock.

But, did you know that many investors fail to properly track and account for their dividend income? They look at their capital gains and treat their portfolio’s income separately. But, the fact is, your dividend income has a potentially huge impact on your overall returns and performance.

With the Navexa portfolio tracker, you can easily track your dividend income.

Here’s an example of our dividends reporting, showing you how different holdings generate income year to year:

Common vs Preferred Stock

Whether you’re collecting income from common stock or preferred stock — in fact, especially if you’re a preferred stockholder — you need to be able to report correctly on that income at tax time.

That’s why we’ve created an automated portfolio income tax report in Navexa: 

Common vs Preferred Stock

 If you want to improve your dividend income tracking and reporting, take a free trial of Navexa today.

Financial Technology Investing

SelfWealth Review: What You Should Know Before Switching To SelfWealth

In this SelfWealth Review, we take a look at one of the leading platforms in a new breed of Australian trading apps making the stock market more accessible to investors than ever before.

SelfWealth is one of the growing number of app-first brokerage services aimed at self-directed investors in Australia.

Offering a zero commission, fixed brokerage fee model paired with some powerful research and analysis tools, SelfWealth serves about 80,000 Australian customers.

In this SelfWealth review, we’ll cover the changing investment landscape that’s led to services like SelfWealth, STAKE and others entering the market and competing with more established brokerage services.

We’ll review SelfWealth’s features, some pros and cons, fees, support and account types.

We’ll also explain how to buy shares on the SelfWealth platform and show you how you can pair apps like this with other services (like this portfolio tracker) designed to help self-directed investors manage and understand their investment portfolios.

SelfWealth: Changing The Investing Game Since 2012

In 2012, SelfWealth joined the likes of Superhero, STAKE and eToro in the trading app market.

Like its competitors, SelfWealth offers an alternative to the problem Australian investors have faced for decades; Investing in the share market without having to pay exorbitant brokerage fees.

Since 2016, SelfWealth has offered flat free brokerage of $9.50 on every trade, no matter the size.

While they now offer much more than just flat-fee trading, this feature of the SelfWealth platform is what sets it (and its competitors) apart from the Australian investment establishment.

SelfWealth allows you to trade Australian-listed and US-listed shares in the iOS and Android apps.

Behind the scenes, SelfWealth are partnered with ANZ and OpenMarkets.

When you create your account, you’re automatically set up with an ANZ holding account (you’ll be given a Holder Identification Number, or HIN).

(You can’t use an existing account.)

All your trades on SelfWealth are executed and settled by OpenMarkets.

While this is convenient if you don’t have a pre-existing account or a preference, it may be a drawback for some.

For example, if you are trading large amounts and need to hold hundreds of thousands of dollars, you might prefer an account that pays you interest on the cash. SelfWealth’s default ANZ account does not pay interest. This is worth considering before you sign up.

Overall though, most Australian users seem to like SelfWealth’s accessibility and simplicity.

SelfWealth has twice won awards for being Australia’s cheapest online broker, and are now at a point where they’re expanding their offering beyond just low-cost, fixed-fee trading.

Part of this expansion is SelfWealth Premium, a members-only paid side of the platform where you can not only trade and track investments, but anonymously watch and follow other SelfWealth members’ investment portfolios.

We’ll dive into more detail about the free and premium features in this in-depth SelfWealth review.

To sign up, you’ll need to provide standard identification and proof of Australian residential address, as per industry know-your-customer standards.

The process is relatively straightforward and no more time consuming than signing up for CommSec or any other share trading platform Australia.

According to SelfWealth, the standard wait time for setting up a new account is two days.

SelfWealth Share Trading Platform Features & Tools

SelfWealth offers CHESS-sponsored shares on its platform.

If you don’t know about CHESS, here’s a simple explanation.

Australian stock brokers let you trade two types of stocks; those that are CHESS-sponsored, and those that are not.

When a stock is CHESS-sponsored, it means the Australian Securities exchange keeps a record of everyone who owns shares in it.

Without this sponsorship, you rely on your broker, or the company itself, to keep a record of you owning its shares.

In other words, were SelfWealth to close tomorrow, all the shares you owned through it would be recorded by the exchange itself — meaning you’re not at risk of losing your investments.

CHESS-sponsored shares allow you to own them directly. Not via a third-party, which is how some other trading platforms and apps operate.

This is a major benefit for SelfWealth users, as it backs up the platform’s many tools and features with a strong level of basic investment security.

Now, to the platform itself.

SelfWealth doesn’t just provide stock broking and share trading services.

The platform can be broken down into the following areas:

  • Trading
  • Research & Reporting
  • Diagnostics
  • Community & Benchmarking

Making trades on Self Wealth is similar to most online trading platforms. You can trade all ASX-listed stocks plus those listed on the NYSE and NASDAQ in the US.

SelfWealth review

You can move funds between Australian dollars and US dollars in your holding accounts. You’ll pay 0.6% when exchanging to and from US dollars — which SelfWealth claims is cheaper than its competitors.

Whether you’re trading ASX or US stocks, the process is simple and self-explanatory on SelfWealth.

The platform’s research and reporting tools are becoming increasingly powerful.

SelfWealth review

Thanks to SelfWealth’s partnership with Thomson Reuters, the platform gives you a considerable amount of information with which to research, analyze and screen stocks you might be considering investing in.

The information includes the company’s financials, relevant market news, analyst’s price forecast and, as part of SelfWealth’s push to expand the community aspect of its service, a measure of sentiment from among other users on the platform, as well as other statistics.

SelfWealth delivers its stock data via the official market feeds from the ASX, NYSE and NASDAQ with a 20-minute delay.

You can also easily set up a watchlist of equities or funds you’d like to monitor, allowing you to track them in one place and keep an eye on their progress.

The SelfWealth portfolio tracking and diagnostics tools are also helpful when checking in on your performance.

You have a standard dashboard screen showing your account balance, your daily performance relative to the market and several other in-platform metrics.

SelfWealth’s Safety Rating scores your portfolio out of 40 to give you a measure of your investments’ diversification, which it says helps protect your portfolio from ‘the inevitable bumps in each sector of the stock market’.

The app calculates your rating based on the number of holdings, distribution, number of what it classifies as ‘lower risk’ holdings and overall asset allocation.

It gives you a target of 10 for each metric, meaning you’re encouraged to make certain trades to meet those.

For the beginner investor who requires a lot of guidance and is perhaps buying shares for the first time, this is a nice tool. But, as Aussie Moneyman points out, for the more advanced investor who’s working with a pre-existing methodology, these tools can get in the way of SelfWealth’s core function as a trading platform.

Similarly, the WealthCheck Score rates your portfolio from F to A+, giving you an idea of your overall account strength relative to performance, SafetyRating and valuation.

SelfWealth Premium, Target Portfolios & Alignment

When you create a SelfWealth account, you’re automatically enrolled in their Premium membership plan.

Several of the tools and features mentioned above are part of the Premium plan, which you can access free for 90 days — a generous trial period — before deciding whether to downgrade to the more basic free version, or paying $20 a month.

The big difference between the free and paid versions of SelfWealth is community interaction and portfolio analytics.

As a Premium member, you can follow other members (anonymously) to see what they’re trading and how their portfolio is performing. Then, you can create a target portfolio based off the top 10 performing members you follow.

This is a model portfolio based on the top weighted holdings in those portfolios.

Why would you need to do this? Because SelfWealth Premium then uses the Alignment Tool to show you the extent to which your portfolio differs from your target portfolio. 

SelfWealth pitches this as a modern, superior alternative to simply benchmarking your portfolio against the market. While it might be useful to invest using a target portfolio made up of your favourite traders’ biggest positions, Aussie Moneyman’s opinion that some of SelfWealth’s features won’t suit the more advanced, self-directed investor applies here.

Because SelfWealth Premium’s community remain anonymous from you (and you from them), it could be difficult to determine whether the users you’re following have generated their returns by design or by accident.

And since the market is a reflection of the opinions of many parties, there would appear to be a risk that SelfWealth users may stumble upon good portfolio performance simply by following others, as opposed to doing their own research or following their own investment methodology.

SelfWealth Supports Individuals, Companies, Trusts & More

As we mentioned, there’s two levels of SelfWealth membership; Free and Premium.

Both come with an ANZ holding account and HIN as standard. Both execute and settle trades using OpenMarkets.

Whether you downgrade after your 90-day Premium trial, or you opt to stay with Premium for $20 a month, you’ll only ever pay $9.50 for each trade (and 0.6% on AUD/USD exchange when shifting funds to trade either Australian or US-listed shares).

Here’s the full list of paywalled features:

SelfWealth review

SelfWealth, despite its name, isn’t only available to private, solo investors.

The platform supports individual trading accounts, joint accounts (married couples investing together, for example), company accounts, trust accounts and even Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs).

This makes the platform accessible for many different purposes and gives investors from right across the spectrum an affordable on-ramp to the Australian and US stock markets.

What you won’t find on SelfWealth are cryptocurrencies. While you can trade stocks and ETFs as an individual, company, trust or SMSF, you can’t access Bitcoin, Ethereum or any of the other cryptos many platforms are making available to their users.

While SelfWealth does provide a valuable, low-cost platform with plenty of options for research, trading and investing, they’re missing what’s fast becoming a major part of Australian investors’ (especially younger investors’) portfolios.

By 2025, more than half of Australians under the age of 40 are predicted to own cryptocurrency.

If you’re one of these people, this is a downside to SelfWealth. It means you need to have a SelfWealth account for your traditional investments, and another — like eToro, for example — for your crypto trading.

If you are investing in both and you end up with two accounts for stocks and crypto, then you can track, analyze and compare both portfolios in Navexa

The SelfWealth Customer Support System

Like many modern trading platforms, which are replacing the face-to-face customer-broker relationship of decades past, SelfWealth provides customer support and communication exclusively by email and live chat.

Their website points out that in order to maintain their $9.50 flat brokerage fees, they save money by not offering phone support.

For most customers, this doesn’t seem to be any drawback to trading with SelfWealth.

SelfWealth’s client services team aims to respond to all email enquiries within two days. But it’s their live chat channel where they focus on instant assistance and resolution. Open from 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday (and closed public holidays, just like the markets), SelfWealth’s live chat support is great for getting prompt responses to questions that might arise while using your account.

You can access their client services team through SelfWealth’s social channels, plus find answers to common, non-account specific queries on their blog and FAQ page.

Overall, SelfWealth’s customer service is prompt, accessible and befitting of a digital-first trading service that focuses on providing an affordable, straightforward online experience.

SelfWealth Trading Fees & Commissions

SelfWealth’s $9.50 flat fee is (nearly) the lowest in Australia. When you compare it with the big four banks, like ANZ for example, it’s about 50% cheaper.

For larger trades, SelfWealth’s flat fee becomes even more competitive.

Take a look at CommSec’s trading fees, and you’ll see that on a $50,000 trade, you’ll pay about $600 in brokerage compared with the flat $9.50 on SelfWealth — a fraction of the price.

Unsurprisingly, SelfWealth point out just how much cheaper they are compared with some of their established competition. See the graphic from their website:

SelfWealth review

You can see that, especially as your trade size increases, the savings you can make become substantial.

For instance, were you to enter a trade for $1,000,000, SelfWealth’s flat $9.50 works out to be just 0.79% of what CommSec will charge for the same transaction.

While CommSec does offer perhaps the most powerful research-led trading platform in Australia, on a fees-only basis, SelfWealth is far more attractive.

Especially when you consider, as we mention above, that thanks to SelfWealth’s partnerships with ANZ and OpenMarkets, they offer you a HIN-equipped cash account and access to CHESS-sponsored shares.

But trading fees are just one aspect of SelfWealth’s financial proposition.

It’s important to note that as well as charging $9.50 per trade — no matter the amount — SelfWealth does not take a commission on any profits you make from your trades.

This is significant, since there are some situations (like investing with a portfolio manager or adviser, for example) in which you’d have to pay a percentage of your returns.

If you made a 50% gain on a million-dollar trade, for instance, and you had to pay a 2% commission, that’d be $10,000 you’d have to hand over.

You don’t need to worry about this when trading with SelfWealth.

How To Buy Shares On SelfWealth

Buying shares on SelfWealth is fairly self-explanatory and similar to what you’ll find across other apps and more traditional trading platforms.

Before we walk you through the simple steps you need to take to set up and execute a trade, there’s a couple of things you should know.

First, there’s no minimum balance required when you open a SelfWealth account. And you don’t need to keep up a certain balance requirement, nor make a certain number of traders per month.

While some services might require you to keep a minimum balance or trade number in order to keep your account active, SelfWealth doesn’t impose these requirements — which fits well with their ethos of accessible, affordable trading for everyday Australian investors.

The one limitation you will find when making a trade on SelfWealth is the ASX’s standard minimum trade value of $500.

Here’s how to enter a trade.

On your SelfWealth dashboard, you’ll see a section called ‘Trading’.

The first option in this section is ‘Place Orders’.

SelfWealth review

This will take you to a standard order form similar to what you’ll find on CommSec, for example.

First, use the ticker symbol to search for and select the stock or fund you want to trade.

If you already hold shares in it, you’ll see the amount and value displayed right below the search field.

SelfWealth review

From here, the fields and buttons are straightforward.

Select ‘Buy’ or ‘Sell’. Choose whether to trade based on quantity or value, how you’d like to select the price you pay, price per unit and the expiry type for the trade.

Completing these fields will populate the numbers you see at the bottom; Estimated Value, Estimated Brokerage (always $9.50 when trading with SelfWealth, of course) and your Estimated Cash Balance once the trade is completed.

There are two other panels on the trading screen.

At the time you select the stock or fund in the search field, SelfWealth generates a quote to help you set up your trade.

As you can see below, the quote gives you key numbers: Bid price (what buyers are paying at the time of the quote), offer price (what sellers are prepared to sell for), the last price the stock or fund traded for and the day’s low and high price.

SelfWealth review

The quote panel is a useful guide for setting up your trade. But it’s not the only tool on the trading screen. You can also view ‘Market Depth’.

This panel shows you the most recent trades. You can see a snapshot of how many shares have changed hands and at what price. This can be helpful for getting an idea of liquidity and sentiment around the stock or fund you’re trading.

SelfWealth review

For a more detailed breakdown of how to trade on SelfWealth, check out this video guide.

Once you’ve set up your trade and you’re happy with all the details and ready to proceed, it’s time to hit ‘Review Order’ at the bottom of the fields.

This will bring you through to the review screen:

SelfWealth review

Double check your order details and if everything looks good, click confirm.

You’ll also see a short questionnaire on the right of the review page.

This is optional, and allows SelfWealth to collect information on the stock or fund, your reasons for trading it and, probably most importantly, whether you’re bearish or bullish on the trade.

Our SelfWealth Review: The Verdict 

This brings us nearly to the end of our SelfWealth review.

We’ve covered SelfWealth’s background, features and tools, account types, trading fees, customer support and walked you through the basics of how to execute a trade.

SelfWealth is a great example of a modern trading app that gives you an affordable, accessible way to trade Australian and US shares and ETFs.

It’s flat $9.50 trading fee makes it if not the cheapest service of its kind in Australia, then certainly one of the cheapest.

When you compare SelfWealth to the likes of CommSec, you can see that on larger trades, you stand to save substantial amounts of money by using this platform.

Not only is SelfWealth — and other apps like it — disrupting the investing establishment with their low fees, but there’s plenty on the platform that leverages the online world that younger investors are familiar with to enhance the trading experience.

Specifically, SelfWealth’s target portfolio and user profile and following functions provide novel and interesting ways for beginner investors, in particular, to start trading and building a portfolio.

As always though, we encourage you to do plenty of research of your own on SelfWealth — and its competitors — to determine which trading platform might suit you and your investing style best.

Trading With SelfWealth? Track With Navexa.

One part of SelfWealth that’s not as thorough — since it’s not the platform’s core service — is its portfolio tracking.

Your portfolio page is great for gaining a snapshot of your portfolio day to day.

But what you won’t find on SelfWealth are in-depth, real money-terms portfolio analytics.

Yes, you can benchmark your account to the wider market.

But you can only track your progress so far.

Let us explain.

The rise of self-directed and the so-called ‘democratization’ of investing (the movement of which SelfWealth and its competitor platforms are a part) is making it easier than ever to invest and trade.

But what many new investors are forgetting — or not being told the first place — is that there’s a difference between gains and true performance.

Your trading account might show you how much money you’ve put into your portfolio, and how much you’ve gained or lost. But the reality is, that is only a part of the full financial picture you need to see when it comes to growing and managing your investments.

Navexa portfolio tracker

Four Things You Must Know About Your Portfolio Performance

Here are four vital things you need to know in order to fully understand the value and performance of a given investment, and your wider portfolio.

  1. How much time have you invested to generate a return? Consider that a 100% gain in a year is far more desirable than a 100% gain in five years.

  2. How much tax do you pay on your investments? Do you know how much you need, or might need, to pay on the returns you earn from an investment or portfolio? If you have to give 20% of your returns to taxation, you need to see that reflected in your portfolio performance — since that money isn’t going to stay in your account.

  3. How much income have you earned from dividend payments? One stock our founder owns has paid him back 40% of his investment in dividends. This substantially affects how you should view an investment’s performance.

  4. How much have you spent in fees? If you’ve been investing for 20 years, making, say 25 trades a year at $20 a trade, that’s $10,000. However much you spend on fees in the course of your trading, you need to factor that in to fully understand your portfolio performance.
Navexa portfolio tracker

When you’re buying and selling stocks and building up a portfolio, many of us think it’s enough to see our ‘gains’ in our trading account.

Here at Navexa, we believe that in the most connected and data-rich era of financial history, there’s no excuse for not knowing the exact details of every dollar going into and out of your portfolio.

The truth is that there’s are many more things impacting your portfolio than just whether or not the investments in it have gone up or down this week or month. 

This is why we developed Navexa. It’s a portfolio tracker that accounts for every factor impacting your investments — time, taxation, income and fees.

You can use Navexa seamlessly with a SelfWealth account (you can add your historical trades and link your account in minutes) to see your portfolio in the depth and detail you need to fully understand your performance.

Plus, you can generate a variety of reports, from calculating unrealized capital gains and taxable investment income, to analyzing portfolio diversification contributions, and much more.

Take a free trial of the Navexa portfolio tracker here.