Financial Literacy Investing

Why You Must Track Dividend Income

Why earning dividend income from your shares — and tracking it effectively — is vital to portfolio performance reporting.

If I told you that you could make back your entire initial investment in a stock without enjoying a single dollar of capital gains…

Would you want to know how that’s possible?

I know I would.

The fact is this is entirely possible.

I’m actually well on my way to this being a reality with one of my investments right now.

How does this work?

Dividend income.

Dividends are, in many ways, the unsung heroes of long-term wealth building.

Not only do dividend-paying stocks allow you to earn money simply for owning shares…

They allow you to harness the power of compounding (something Einstein referred to as the eighth wonder of the world) to take a modest investment and potentially turn it into a fortune decades down the track.

Understanding the power of dividend yield is vital to a successful long-term investment strategy.

Properly tracking the income you earn from dividends is vital to:

  1. Understanding the true performance of your entire investment portfolio.
  2. Ensuring you crush your annual investment tax returns with full confidence and minimal stress.

In this post, we’re talking dividends and investment income.

If you want to grasp their true power — and learn a smart way to save time tracking and reporting on your dividend income — then read on.

Dividend Income:
Getting Paid To Own Stocks  

The only thing that gives me pleasure? It’s to see my dividends coming in.

John D. Rockefeller

There are some inspiring stories out there of big time investors who’ve built huge fortunes by hanging on to stocks and living purely off the dividends, without ever having to sell to make money.

Let me start with my own experience.

A few years ago, I bought shares in NAB.

I bought the stock with the intention of holding it for a long time.

My research showed it was going to go up in value over the long term — and that the current market price was fair value.

But more importantly, it told me NAB would pay me cash dividends to hold these shares.

In the four years I’ve owned the stock, I’ve earned enough dividend income from it that I’ve been repaid 40% of my initial investment thanks to the company’s profits.

All I’ve had to do is sit tight and not sell. Which was always my plan.

So $100,000 worth of shares would have made me $40,000.

This is the essence of dividend investing.

It’s the closest thing to free money you can get, short of winning lotto.

Put enough time into it, and dividend investing can help you build substantial streams of extra income for relatively little effort.

Bear in mind this leaves capital gains aside.

In a perfect world, you would buy $100,000 worth of Stock X, collect $40,000 in income over the course of a few years and enjoy a capital gain on top of that when you do eventually sell your shares.

You can see how, deployed across a large and diversified portfolio, over a long time period, dividend investing can be very powerful.

How And Why To Track
Your Dividend Income

Time is the friend of the wonderful company.

John D. Rockefeller

There’s two reasons why you should track your dividend income.

First, you’ll want to know how much your investments are earning for you — and how much time it could take for your stocks to eventually ‘pay for themselves’.

Second — and this is important — you must report your dividend income in your tax return.

The tax man will generally tax your dividend income in the same way as personal income.

For those using spreadsheets to track multiple stocks that pay dividends in various ways (electronically, via brokers, using cheques in the mail and so on), this can quickly become a burden.

You may find yourself rummaging in drawers, trawling through bank statements and trying to get access to registries in order to properly collate all the information you need to satisfy the taxman.


This is a big reason we’ve built a dividend income reporting tool into Navexa.

You can use it to view income generated over a given time period…

Viewing dividend income in Navexa's portfolio tracker.

To track dates and amounts of individual dividend payments…

Records of dividends paid on holding in Navexa.

To add notes and statements for those payments, and to generate a report you can hand to your accountant to succinctly show exactly what you’ve made from your stocks in the past financial year:

Investment income tax return in Navexa.

Keep Your Dividend Income
Flowing Without Stressing
About The Details

Making money in the stock market divides into two distinct things:

Buying shares that you sell for a higher price later.

And earning income from shares for the duration of holding them.

Income is a huge part of investing.

As a private investor, one of my dividend stocks has already paid me back nearly half my initial investment.

Deploying capital into dividend-paying stocks, with enough time, can make investors substantial amounts of money.

As such, income becomes an important part of your performance calculations for your overall portfolio.

But it also becomes a burden at tax time.

The solution is simple — use a portfolio tracker to record, analyse and report on ever dollar of investment income your portfolio generates.

MORE: Learn about the Dividend Reinvestment Plan.


Your Guide To The 2020 Australian Stock Market Crash

Coronavirus panic selling, blood in the streets, and potentially once-in-a-lifetime value…

The Covid-19 Coronavirus outbreak has this week plunged the world into a full-blown pandemic.

Nations, governments, economies and businesses have entered crisis mode.

Here in Australia, Qantas has slashed 90% of its international routes.

Border restrictions are now in place.

But, most shocking for investors…

Australian shares are down around 30% in less than a month.

That’s about four years of stock market gains wiped out in the space of just a few weeks.

Twelve years since the global credit crisis of 2008 drove the ASX200 down more than 50%, we find ourselves in the midst of a full-blown stock market panic.

On Monday, March 16, marks the markets biggest one-day fall since 1987.

The catalyst is obviously different from the last time investors faced such panic and losses.

But the net result is — and will probably continue to be — dramatic and severe.

In this post, we’re going to analyze what the crash could mean for the market — and how certain investors turn conditions like these into opportunities.

This Market Crash Could Be A ‘Blood In The Streets’ Moment  

“The time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets.”

Baron Rothschild

Eighteenth century British nobleman, Baron Rothschild, often gets quoted when we talk about market crashes.

He made a fortune buying in the crash that followed the Battle of Waterloo.


Because he didn’t allow the market’s fear to prevent him from seizing the opportunity to buy good assets for dirt cheap prices.

Not that Rothschild didn’t take some pain himself during the crash.

The full quote is allegedly:

Buy when there’s blood in the streets, even if the blood is your own.”

That’s contrarian investing in a nutshell.

When everyone is selling and freaking out, you go the other way, buying shares others can’t wait to wash their hands of.

Trying to pick the exact market bottom is generally about as treacherous as trying to catch a falling knife.

If you’re buying right now, chances are you will take some pain before you see the fruits of brave contrarian buying.

But, if you were eyeing up a stock last month and you reckoned it was undervalued…

Then how much more undervalued might it be now in light of the panic selling taking hold of the market?

You can use Navexa’s value calculator for free.

Stock Market Fortunes Have
Been Made In Times Like These 

“Investors do get paid for stepping in and buying in times of turmoil.”


The Dow Jones Industrial Average has only fallen more than 10% in a week 17 times.

That’s less than 0.3% of the time stocks have been trading on it.

So moments like these are, in the grand scheme, few and far between.

And in the past, savvy investors who’ve kept their heads and not allowed the market panic to dominate their decision making have used times like these to sow the seeds for huge gains.

In 1973 and 1974, an oil crisis, combined with the ‘Nixon Shock’ economic measures and the collapse of the Bretton Woods system triggered a 45% stock market crash.

The Washington Post Company was among the victims.

At the worst point, the company had a market cap of just $80 million.

But while most investors bailed on the company amid the panic, wily old Warren Buffet swooped in.

Buying shares at a deep discount, Buffett pulled of a ‘blood in the streets’ masterstroke.

The investment recovered and went on to rise to more than 100 times what Buffett paid.

Here’s another example.

The September 11 attacks in New York hit airlines particularly hard.

Not many people would have bought Boeing stock at that time.

The company’s stock price bottomed about a year later…

And then went on to rise more than four times in value in the following half a decade.


If you’d bought an ASX200 index fund in December 2008 — right when pessimism was peaking and the selling was most brutal — you would have copped a rough few months as prices plummeted even further.

But then…

As the recovery kicked in and investors began flooding back into the market…

You could have made a 40% gain over the next five years, or a 60% gain over the next 10.

What we’re getting at here, is that in situations like this one, it can pay to…

Keep Calm & Carry On Investing 

“Be greedy when others are fearful.”

Warren Buffett

We’re not claiming to know any more than the next analyst, blogger or investor about how this Covid-19 led market panic is going to play out.

But, looking at history, you can see that this is not the first time we’ve gone through a rapid market selloff that has seemed to come from nowhere.

The reality is probably that this current crash could get a lot worse before it gets better.


It’s also probably true that in the weeks and months to come, there will be opportunities.

Those who can take some pain and buy when there’s blood in the streets could stand to make great gains on investments that are trading at incredibly low valuations.

Our two cents?

Try not to let emotion hijack your decision making.

Stay cool.

Remain objective.

Keep an eye on the big picture — and don’t be afraid to buy when there’s blood in the streets.

Ready to start tracking your stocks smarter? Go here.